Greetings, all!
Lots of things to talk about but 2 BIG things to start with!
Number 1…..Please make your plan to VOTE! You can still early vote Saturday, Nov. 4 from 8:00-4:00pm and Sunday, Nov. 5 from 1-5pm at your Ohio County Board of Elections. You need to bring your photo ID with you. Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 7 and polls are open from 6:30-7:30pm. There is NO early voting on Monday, Nov. 6.
We can’t tell you how to vote, but we can encourage you to VOTE YES on Issue 1, as that will affect every female identifying person who is reading this, and the people who love her/them.
From birth control, to miscarriage care, to abortion for 10 year olds, and victims of rape and incest, to every aspect of one of the hardest decisions one can make. The decision should not be made by politicians. Also, make sure the candidates you choose have your or your loved ones’ back….In Medina, I can let you know (separately from Out Support) who is/is not a homophobic or transphobic candidate, and who will fight for LGBTQ+ rights. Reach out to me if you’d like that information. Make the time to vote…it’s really important.
Number 2…..OutSupport just turned 10 years old in October!! We are planning a wonderful evening of dinner and dancing and just celebrating the fact that what was just supposed to be 1-2 support meetings has lasted so long, and that we’ve been able to walk along so many on a similar journey to our families.
I’ll be sending out a separate email in about a week with all the details about the event on January 20, 2024. We want everyone to join the fun, and will have special, affordable pricing for those on a fixed or low income, senior, or student. We will have opportunities for sponsorship, as well. So mark your calendar, and look for our email in the coming days!
In other news:
1). The THRIVE Research Collaborative at Cleveland State and the LGBT Community Center are looking for youth participants to a) Review its newly developed online sexual health curriculum that centers on LGBTQ+ youth b) Provide feedback through online surveys and a voluntary focus group and c) Receive a $200 gift card for their time and input. Attached please find information and how to participate.
2) Recently the Black Cat Books and Oddities Shop opened in Medina, and if you want to see an amazing selection of books (banned and otherwise!), and the best selection of children’s books on diversity and inclusion I’ve ever seen, run…don’t walk there!
Also, there are book clubs and storytimes there, as well. The Adult book club is called the Black Sheep Book Club, and the club will be focusing on books that profile underrepresented groups, such as LGBTQ+ and BIPOC characters. Check out for more info about this amazing store!
3) Every November, gatherings take place to honor the transgender lives that have been lost in the past year, The Transgender Day of Remembrance. This year, there are 2 events in NEOhio marking the lives lost to violence or suicide.
a) Akron: Sunday, Nov. 19 6:00-8:00pm Akron Lock 4. Hosted by Trans Joy and Bayard Rustin LGBTQ+ Resource Center and the City of Akron
b) Cleveland TDoR, hosted by MetroHealth. Monday, November 20 from 7:00-8:00pm
(see attached flyer for details)
4) We want to send a big THANK YOU to the First Energy ERG (Alternate Currents….I love that name ;)) for the very generous donation that they recently made to OutSupport! We are SO GRATEFUL for financial support from First Energy and will continue to offer the LGBTQ community the services that we can. Thank you again!!
5). NEW RESOURCE!!! Do you or someone you love live in Knox/Holmes/Coshocton or Ashland Counties? If you do, and they need health services, such as PrEP, HIV screenings, and other helpful health related services, please make them aware of
Kno-Ho-Co-Ashland Community Action Commission
Office locations in Coshocton, Mt. Vernon, Ashland and Millersburg for more information!
6) OutSupport Teen MeetUp is Tuesday, Nov. 7 7-8pm at Cool Beans, and our Adult meeting is Thursday, Nov. 9 at Unity of Medina from 7:00-8:30pm.
7) We are looking forward to meeting the AIRoot Middle School GSA on Wednesday, Nov. 8! We’ve purchased 2 binders for area youth this month so far! I’ll be on the Kent State LGBT Center’s program “So My Kid Came Out As LGBTQ….NOW WHAT?!” on Nov. 30. Perfect timing, right after Thanksgiving…
OK….make your plan to vote, save Jan. 20 on your calendar, and we wish you all a happy Thanksgiving. And remember…you are loved by everyone at OutSupport. For real.
Kindest regards,
Sandy (she/her)